Hi, I'm Sabrina Monarch!

Learn More about the upcoming Evolutionary Astrology Intensive

I’ve been into astrology since I was a kid, drawing up natal charts for my friends and researching synastry. I knew one day I’d study it in depth, maybe decades later. But at 21 I had a spiritual emergence experience that radically enlivened me and had me questioning the foundations of the reality I’d always known.

Toward the end of a pretty wild adventure, I sat down with an evolutionary astrologer for some answers and felt more deeply seen than I’d ever been in my life. How did this person know my Soul without yet knowing me? I had to study Evolutionary Astrology, and so I did.

Armed with amazing knowledge I wanted to share, I found myself at a crossroads. I couldn’t go back to the normal world from which I’d come, but what I’d touched in my mystical experiences didn’t yet exist sustainably for me or in my immediate world. At the risk of having to live an inauthentic life or a life in exile, I got to work: I wondered how the mystical could be brought down to earth.

This initiatory experience sent me on a path of building relationships with the planets and the Universe itself, and becoming a professional evolutionary astrologer. In the time since, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients, taught online intensives, graduated from a M.A. program in Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness, and recently started a podcast called Magic of the Spheres (available where you tune into podcasts).

With love,

Sabrina Monarch

Read the Weekly Forecasts

Iā€™m a soul-centered astrologer. I love providing perspectives on the opportunities of transits and putting into words what the vibe may feel like at this moment in time, to support you on your path & open a dialogue between us and the cosmos.


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