Introducing the 5th House


and the creative force in the cosmos we contact through fun... that also has the power to deeply change our lives


The latest installment of a series to explore the houses in an imaginal, mythic and expanded way

Level: All-levels
basic familiarity with your natal chart recommended


October 28, 2024 at 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM PM Pacific
(recording available to registrants)
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The fifth house is known as the house of pleasure, sex, creativity, children, entertainment, hobbies and gambling. It is also known as the house of good fortune and the place where Venus finds her joy. We can connect all of these themes through exploring the idea of fortune – luck, fate, chance – and how our relationship to unknowns can lead us either to shutdown or trust. Giving over to the moment can be scary for many of us, but if we think of how it is to have an orgasm or ride a roller coaster or give birth or sing onstage, we realize that each of these experiences, and myriad others like them, require trust to fall into life and become immersed in the moments, which, added together, create our life stories. When we give over our will and control and egoic needs, for the sake of finding our pleasure or receiving gifts from the universe, these become moments to deepen into individual erotic purpose. Surrender creates the experience of immersion. 


Sometimes house themes can feel random and unrelated; why would gambling and children be represented in the same district of the birth chart? But if we deepen into this question, we find that children are (typically) the biggest gamblers out there. They are constantly risking themselves to create new experiences in order to experience joy. The movie theater and the theme park are fifth house locations, where we give ourselves over to the activation of total sensory immersion. We place a bet on pleasure, trusting that life is enveloping us in a guided experience, a gift. 


Since we are keen on viewing the houses as literal sites of action, we thought it would be useful and fun to specifically deepen into the AMUSEMENT PARK for our next class on the fifth house, specifically, a theme park in Oakland, CA, called Fairyland. Fairyland, an amusement park specifically catering to small children, toddlers, was actually the main inspiration for Walt Disney in creating Disneyland. We will explore these themes of immersive experience through the house itself and rulership, the theme of pleasure and surrender and possible internal obstacles to letting go, as well as the magic of life-as-game - the theme park - and look at the packed fifth house of Walt Disney as well as student charts. The main intention will be to explore ways we might nurture our own creative pathways and pleasures to experience this giving over to Chance in our own lives.


We will also explore play through the lens of human evolution, why play behavior naturally shows up among animals, and how this developed eventually into ceremonies and rituals that humans use to alter or create reality -- and where we ultimately have space to invent our own games and creative possibilities when we engage this creation force that weaves through the literal cosmos.


At the end we will work with live participants charts, their 5th house and 5th house ruler, to explore the dynamics of letting go, play, immersion and creativity as it portrayed in the natal chart.


Only $30. Class is on October 28, 2024 at 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM Pacific / 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Eastern.


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You will learn:

  • Evolutionary/Modern & Ancient/Hellenistic influenced perspectives on the 5th house
  • About the impulse of young animals (human and non-human) to play and how this reflects a creative force in the Universe
  • Ways we can view amusement parks -- as a lens and metaphor into the nature of the 5th house's varying significations
  • Ways to interpret the 5th house, 5th house ruler, and planets in the 5th house, to discover an individual's relationship with pleasure, play, creativity, gambling/risk, and fun.


Experience the creative potency of this house with us and explore your own pathways to greater surrender into immersive playful states - what guides you there, what kinds of challenges do you meaningfully face there?


Meet your instructors

As a child of Mercury, Aliza finds great joy in sharing information. Her written work and conversations make metaphorical hyperlinks, connecting fields outside of yet related to cosmic exploration. These include: film, music and television media, visual and installation art, architecture, philosophy and theory. She is an astrologer with nearly half a century of lived experience and pastiched gnosis.
Her educational background includes Hellenistic, Evolutionary, Archetypal and Holotropic Astrology. Currently, she offers limited individual chart consultation and teaches classes inside Monarch Astrology’s DIVINER course container. Since January 2020, she has been Sabrina Monarch’s teaching assistant through several cohorts of the EA Intensive.
With a lunar Sun and angular Neptune, Aliza moves through the world in gestures rather than solid lines. Though she is steeped in astrological study, she believes her main qualifications are also less tangible. The deepest insights and connections in her own life have come to her in liminal spaces, in moments of collapse/grace, surprise encounters, losses, dreams and creative trance states. These are experiences she honors in others as much as objective accomplishments. Chaos and order are equally beautiful, as are success and failure. She holds no agenda for clients. Her only aim as astrologer is to pay attention – to the motions of the cosmos and the person in front of her. The goal is communion, and the road there is paved with unconditional positive regard. Find her at
Sabrina Monarch is an author/novelist, evolutionary astrologer, and counselor/coach. She gained an unconventional education in creative writing by discovering an online writing community at age 12 and gaining dozens of mentors across the globe who would help her learn how to write for the next several years. She developed an interest in astrology at a young age as well, and took her craft deeper in her early twenties at the same time that her psychic abilities were noticeably coming online. 
She writes weekly forecasts at, is the host of a podcast about spiritual lifestyle and personal evolution called Magic of the Spheres, and she teaches astrology online, including an all-levels Evolutionary Astrology Intensive and advanced alumni courses. 
Sabrina is widely appreciated for her poetic voice and capacity to name subtle, abstract undercurrents of any particular astrological moment. She has an M.A. in Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies, currently resides in Greece.