Introducing the 3rd House
and what makes the hidden magic of your world communicate itself to you
The latest installment of a series to explore the houses in an imaginal, mythic and expanded way
Level: All-levels
basic familiarity with your natal chart recommended
June 6, 2024 at 11 AM - 2 PM Pacific
(recording available to registrants)
World is defined here not as THE world but your local world, your neighborhood, the places you can travel to at short distances. We want to show you how just as when you tune into your inner-world in meditation for example, your inner life and sensations expand - that when you tune into your local world around you, your environment too reveals a sentient life and spirit.
For our previous workshops on the astronomy of houses, the first house, and the second house, it was true to provide some lecture. For the third house, we have a little less to say and a lot more to show you by inviting you to experience YOUR world (your local area) with a new set of perceptive tools and to bring back your findings for dialogue.
One of the most eclectic houses, the third house relates to local area and locals (local cafes, spots, people), neighborhood, short distance travel, media/communications, symbolism, magic and folk magic, ritual, maps, siblings, writing, conscious thought, data, gossip, and making connections (essentially a broader way to speak of “communication”), errands, the Goddess, and texting/letters/emails.
Personally I’ve always wondered how to cohere these topics… under what umbrella do they really fit? For that question we have some guiding information for you about Iris, the messenger Goddess of the Rainbow, and some of the esoteric fabrics of the “messenger” and communication itself, but most of all we want to invite you to experience for yourself why the Goddess, communication, and local area intertwine.
You will have to penetrate through the dull shapes of your local environment that you’re used to, and allow your world to come to life. We welcome those of you curious about the third house and your third house, but also those of you who are interested in cultivating your perceptive body. An artist may create great works but day-to-day, the “local” activity of the artist is to sketch, take notes, be observant and inspired. We think it is possible that the act of taking notes, observing, looking for the fascinating elements of your environment, make you a conduit to be communicated with. Your world IS more magical than you think - you just have to spark the conversation.
Only $30. Class is on June 6 at 11 AM - 1 PM Pacific / 2 - 4 PM Eastern.
Your investment is making the time to take a few walks before class on June 6 and to take notes and/or drawings, and photographs. More information will be offered about this assignment to participants shortly after signing up. You are invited not to “work” here or get something “right” but to play and touch the spirit of the third house for yourself.
We will have a private forum for you to post your notes & experiences and inspire one another that way (it reminds me of the writing class I taught a few years ago, Image Hive - where the first assignment involved everyone “collecting” images from their daily life and dreams to bring back to the group - we had a great time doing this!), and in the workshop we will help you understand the astrology of this house, deeper.
You will learn:
- Evolutionary/Modern & Ancient/Hellenistic influenced perspectives on the 3rd house
- Archetype of Iris, messenger Goddess of the Rainbow as a lens into the nature of the 3rd house's varying significations
- Ways to interpret the 3rd house, 3rd house ruler, and planets in the 3rd house, to discover an individual's relationship with locality, magic, and communication.
Experience the DELIGHT and MAGIC of this house, unfold its hidden worlds that do not require long travels to receive but can be found right outside your door. 🌸🐝
Meet your instructors

As a child of Mercury, Aliza finds great joy in sharing information. Her written work and conversations make metaphorical hyperlinks, connecting fields outside of yet related to cosmic exploration. These include: film, music and television media, visual and installation art, architecture, philosophy and theory. She is an astrologer with nearly half a century of lived experience and pastiched gnosis.
Her educational background includes Hellenistic, Evolutionary, Archetypal and Holotropic Astrology. Currently, she offers limited individual chart consultation and teaches classes inside Monarch Astrology’s DIVINER course container. Since January 2020, she has been Sabrina Monarch’s teaching assistant through several cohorts of the EA Intensive.
With a lunar Sun and angular Neptune, Aliza moves through the world in gestures rather than solid lines. Though she is steeped in astrological study, she believes her main qualifications are also less tangible. The deepest insights and connections in her own life have come to her in liminal spaces, in moments of collapse/grace, surprise encounters, losses, dreams and creative trance states. These are experiences she honors in others as much as objective accomplishments. Chaos and order are equally beautiful, as are success and failure. She holds no agenda for clients. Her only aim as astrologer is to pay attention – to the motions of the cosmos and the person in front of her. The goal is communion, and the road there is paved with unconditional positive regard. Find her at www.weavingthefirmament.com.